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Charitable Foundation Updates
For the Week of March 30, 2025
Distribution of Bikes to Children of Military Families In Need
The Ocean State Job Lot Charitable Foundation’s Buy-Give-Get Bikes program’s success has resulted in the distribution of 1,800 bikes to children of military families across the Northeast. Ocean State Job Lot has worked with the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, USA Veterans, and other veteran services to distribute the bikes to military families. “Riding a bike is one of life’s simple joys, »
Summer Severe Weather Alert Tips
Summer storms in the Northeast can certainly pack a punch. Because the weather can change so quickly, make sure you keep up and stay safe with severe weather alerts. Sometimes, every single second can make a huge difference. These days, it’s easy to sign up for alerts on any of your electronic devices. That’s step one. Pick your favorite news or government weather outlet. Now, let’s take you through »
How to Safely Wash Dog Toys
If your pet’s not feeling well, have you ever thought that their toys could be the reason why? Most times, we think of dog toys as something that keeps them sharp mentally and physically as they go through their day. Yet, we never think that a chew toy might have a negative effect. Could something from their favorite toy that gives them so much joy make them ill? Let »
Eco-Friendly Home Improvement Ideas
In these days where we’re constantly looking for ways to integrate environmental consciousness into our homes, Ocean State Job Lot is trying to be a leader in the practice of sustainability by offering eco-friendly products and idea. In fact, it’s our aspirational value! Eco-friendly home improvement ideas create living spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible. And we can help. In this blog post, we’ll take you »
Ocean State Job Lot partners with Goodwill Northern New England
Our Commitment to Inclusion: Advocating for Change In a world full of unique perspectives and vibrant cultures, the human experience is ripe with diversity and inclusion. It's not just about tolerance; it's about celebration, understanding, and empowering others. When we embrace diversity, we embrace the richness of others, and their experiences. Working hand-in-hand with community-based organizations is integral to our commitment to community here at Ocean »
First Responder Deal Days Promotion Honors Service Members in the Community
At Ocean State Job Lot, our communities are at the forefront of our business, and first responders are no exception. During Ocean State Job Lot’s First Responder Deal Day, we want to say “thank you” to the brave everyday heroes in our communities by honoring the work they do so selflessly to keep us safe and protected when emergencies strike . From Thursday, March 14, 2024 »