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Party Plans for the Summer

When it comes to making the most of summer, the more variety you keep in play, the better. Home parties, vacations, staycations, day trips, and just good old fashioned relaxing days by the pool and in the backyard can be so fun with family and friends. To get the most out of these days, it’s best to have a well laid out plan. Let Ocean State Job Lot, your »

By |June 19, 2024|Seasonal, Summer|

How to Get Rid of a Hornets’ Nest

Has the threat of hornets around your backyard got you buzzing around trying to stay safe this summer? Or maybe the bees have just eliminated your fun and kept you staying indoors to avoid harm’s way. Well, we say: “Fight back and don’t let the hornets win!” Ocean State Job Lot can help you “bee-come” a problem solver, first identifying the issue and then helping you resolve those summertime »

By |June 26, 2024|DIY, Seasonal, Summer|

Lower Soil pH: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Acidic Soil for Thriving Plants

Have you ever wondered why some plants thrive in your garden while others struggle? Perhaps you've meticulously cared for a particular flower or vegetable, providing ample sunlight, water, and nutrients, yet it just seems to languish. One often overlooked factor that can significantly impact plant health is to lower soil pH. This blog post will delve into everything you need to know about how to lower soil pH for »

By |June 19, 2024|Seasonal, Summer|

Party Time at Home – Food, Games and Pools

If your home is THE hotspot during the summer months, are there times you feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with your role as the host with the most? Well, let Ocean State Job Lot make things a bit easier. We’ll take you through everything from some suggestions to make food prep easier to fun lawn games for everyone to ways to keep your pool crystal clear. So, let »

By |June 5, 2024|Seasonal, Spring, Summer|
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