Name of Product:
Little Tikes – Wood Lacing Shapes 22pc Set
Hazard: There were two components in this product that were tested for small parts choking hazard using a small parts tester.
Remedy: Consumers can return the item for a full refund or dispose of the item.
Consumer Contact: Ocean State Job Lot toll-free at 833-209-7100 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET or via email: [email protected]
Recall Details:
A total of 3,600 units of product were manufactured. All 3,600 units were sold exclusively to Ocean State Job Lot. Ocean State Job Lot (OSJL) sold this product in Connecticut for the year 2023 and 2024. There were 352 pieces sold in this time. Presently there are 284 pieces of embargoed products at Ocean State Job Lot stores in Connecticut.

Description of the Issue:
There were two components in this product that were tested for small parts choking hazard using a small parts tester. Testing indicated that these two components, when tested fit completely within the small parts tester.
Product Name/Model: Little Tikes Wood Shapes 22PC Set (ltem #07739)
Manufacture Date: August 2023
Retail Locations: Ocean State Job Lot stores located in Connecticut