Customer Stories – Osaki Massage Chair
“I had been seriously contemplating the purchase of a massage chair for quite some time, and thanks to Ocean State Job Lot, the perfect opportunity came along.
I am involved with a personal finance group on Facebook, and in December 2022, a member in the group posted asking if anyone had bought a massage chair. And if they did, did they use it, or does it become a clothes hanger the way many treadmills do?
Another member responded, indicating that he had purchased a massage chair at Ocean State Job Lot the previous year. He and his wife use the chair frequently and they love it. He also talked about OSJL’s Crazy Deals. Remember, this is a personal finance group. We are all pretty frugal. So needless to say, this was all very exciting! I’d never heard of something like Crazy Deals, nor had I ever heard of Ocean State Job Lot since I live in Dayton, OH. I began researching the store and reading the FAQs on their website regarding Crazy Deals. I was shocked at the number of locations across the East Coast that OSJL had. And I was very interested in the massage chair Crazy Deals.
I needed a plan of how to make this work before mentioning it to my husband, Lee. I kept thinking – was this deal really legitimate? Was it too good to be true? I found the deals to be aptly described as “crazy,” and customers have the opportunity to buy products online and have them shipped to an OSJL store of their choice. During my research I found that the store closest to us was in State College, PA. I called the store, they answered my questions, and also directed me to OSJL Customer Service where the representative was incredibly helpful. She told me that the company placed these chairs in the staff break area and that employees really like them. I was sold!
I started mapping out the trip to State College, PA. I looked at dates. And I even got Lee on board by tying this adventure into our mutual love… the NFL! We are Cincinnati Bengals season ticket holders and it was on my bucket list to attend a game in every NFL stadium, and for those that offer it, take a tour of the stadium.
Bright and early, we left the house at 4 a.m. to drive to Columbus, OH where we hopped a flight to Pittsburgh, PA. Flying Southwest Airlines with points and a companion pass brought that total bill to $11.20 for both of us! There’s that frugality again.
We were able to tour Acrisure Stadium, learning about the Pittsburgh Steelers franchise from our tour guide. A self-guided tour of the recently opened Hall of Honor really added to the rich history we learned about.
Then, the time had come to buy our chair. We arrived in State College and grabbed a Lyft to pick up our cargo van. Then we pulled into the OSJL parking lot at exactly noon, ready to shop!
It appeared that Adam, the store manager, was expecting us. In less than 10 minutes he and the team had the chair loaded into our van. Then we found ourselves purchasing more items. Quite a few more. Throughout the afternoon, Adam would check in on us and make sure we could find what we wanted. We tried to buy household items that we would typically purchase at a big box store. We also bought items we planned on replacing this year anyway (sheets, towels, toaster, outdoor rug, etc.) We filled over six shopping carts and two flatbeds! Checkout began around 4 p.m. and we pulled out of the parking lot at 5. Our post-shopping toast was at Penn State Berkey Creamery, just minutes from OSJL and recommended to us by Penn State alumni.
The drive back to Ohio was complicated by high winds and the NCAA Final Four games, but we still had fun! We spent the night in Pennsylvania and at a sports bar met a guy named Mike who was something of a Pennsylvania celebrity, as he has won the lottery four times!
Back in Dayton we had the van unpacked and the chair set up in less than two hours. The most challenging part was figuring out where to store all the household items we had purchased.
We’ve had the chair for a few months now. I use it for 15 minutes every morning and every night. Lee enjoys it for about 30 minutes on most nights. We’re both so pleased with this purchase, and our adventure!”