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Every Kind of Product for Every Kind of Camper
Listen up, camping enthusiasts! Whether you’re a first-time camper or someone who’s been on many trips, there are always many planning challenges. Make sure you have all the essentials you need to make it a success for you and your family. You don’t need to be a veteran with the experience of many seasons. Sometimes, all it takes is some common sense, creativity, and the willingness »
Your Guide to Summer Brunch Essentials
Trying to put together a day filled with friends, fine foods, and some fun? Is the lack of a firm plan getting in your way? Well, let Ocean State Job Lot help you put together a brunch with some punch to wow your family and friends into coming back for seconds, thirds, and maybe even more! From choosing the perfect location to the must-have menu items and setting up »
How to Dispose of a Grill
There’s probably two main reasons why you need to dispose of your grill. The first is that your old one just doesn’t work any more. The other is that you want to upgrade to a bigger and better brand to become that weekend warrior when you cook on the grill in the backyard. In either case, the question always becomes what do you do with your old grill? We’ll »
Summer Severe Weather Alert Tips
Summer storms in the Northeast can certainly pack a punch. Because the weather can change so quickly, make sure you keep up and stay safe with severe weather alerts. Sometimes, every single second can make a huge difference. These days, it’s easy to sign up for alerts on any of your electronic devices. That’s step one. Pick your favorite news or government weather outlet. Now, let’s take you through »