Recently updated on July 17th, 2024

4 friends with backpacks walking together

As summer comes to a close, the anticipation of going back to college begins to build. Whether you’re a freshman nervous about your first year or a seasoned senior returning to campus, being well-prepared is easy to do with Ocean State Job Lot on your side! To make your move easy and enjoyable, you have to get the right supplies. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through a list of items you need to buy before heading back to college, ensuring you have everything you need to thrive academically and socially.

A pile of books with pens on top and a calculator nearby

Academic Essentials

First, prioritize your academic needs. Ensure you have pencils, notebooks, pens, and highlighters for your courses as well as the ability to carry all of your writing utensils. Get a backpack that can comfortably hold your belongings throughout the day. A planner or a calendar can help you stay organized and manage your time effectively. If your campus issues a security card, buy a phone wallet to make sure you never misplace your card.

Dorm Room Essentials

Transforming a bare dorm room into a cozy and functional living space is key to feeling at home on campus. Start with the basics: bedding, including sheets, pillows, and a comforter. Depending on your room setup, you may also need items like curtains, coat hangers, and storage solutions like under-bed storage or even drawers. Don’t forget cleaning supplies for maintaining a tidy space. A mini-fridge, microwave, and disposable utensils are also valuable for quick meals or late-night snacks. Finally, add some personal touches with photos, posters, a doormat, or wall decals to make your dorm room yours.

Smiling woman moving into her dorm room
Man studying on computer in library

Electronics and Connectivity

College life often revolves around technology so having reliable electronics is crucial. A laptop or desktop computer is essential for research, writing papers, and completing assignments. A good item to bring or buy is a small TV; this can turn your room into a chill spot for you and your friends to watch movies. Check with your college for specific requirements or recommendations for any additional gadgets you may need, such as printers, calculators, or routers. Don’t forget power strips and surge protectors to keep all your devices charged and protected. 

Health and Wellness

Staying on top of your health is something many forget to do in the hustle and bustle of college. Stock up on over-the-counter medications for headaches, colds, or allergies. If you take prescription medicine, keep an adequate supply and know where your documentation is. Buy a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day, as well as any gym clothes or gear you may need to stay active on campus. Fans, personal heaters, and even air conditioners could be a good idea depending on the area and dorm you live in. Air fresheners will be necessary should you have roommates (and in general), as you are responsible for a happy and healthy dorm community.

Sick man in bed reaching for tissue

Back to Campus Essentials

Heading back to college is an exciting experience, and having the right supplies can make all the difference in your success and comfort. By following these general guidelines you’ll be well-prepared academically, equipped with the essentials for your dorm room, connected through technology, and ready to prioritize your health and wellness. With careful planning and the right supplies, you’ll be ready to make the most of your college journey. Good luck!